Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ILP Completion is Beginning at RSMS

I will begin working with students to complete the required portions of their ILP's this week. I am hoping to work with all students before our holiday break in December. Please ask your child about his/her ILP progress.

The ILP (Individual Learning Plan) is a phenomenal tool for all students. Kentucky creates an account for public school student in grades 6-12. Each year in school there are specific activities that students complete; however, they have access to it and can add information to it at any time. The ILP provides students with an online location for college and career planning. 

Things students can do with their ILP:
keep up with accomplishments--service, activities, awards, and recognitions
find career interests and research job outlook
research college paths for careers or just general college information
look for and apply for college scholarships
create a resume
look for jobs

I will have a parent meeting November 5th at the PTSA general meeting to share everything you need to know about the ILP. Please contact with me questions.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fall MAP Testing

We have just finished our first round of MAP testing. Students completed assessments in math, reading, and language usage. Teachers have been discussing students' growth and goals for the next round of MAP testing that will take place in December. Fall MAP scores were attached to each child's midterm.

Additional information about MAP testing can be found by clicking the link on the side or clicking here.